Multistore functionality
2023-04-18 13:49:15

With the multi-store functionality of our plugin, it is possible to process payments from multiple webshops through one iDEAL account. This can be set up in two ways, depending on how the webshops are configured.

Method 1:

This method works when the domain names of the webshops differ!

Go to the Hash Generator.

Enter the domain name in the hash generator.

Download the ideal.php file via the FTP environment from the ../idealcheckout/configuration folder.
Use the MD5 HASH of the domain name and fill it in the ideal.php file name.
The ideal.php file will look something like this: ideal.7071b92cbcf67ed60c87608bbfac693d.php
Upload the new file to the ../idealcheckout/configuration folder.

TIP: Open the file whose name has just been changed and add the unhashed domain name in the PHP comment. This way, it can always be determined which domain name this iDEAL configuration applies to.

TIP: Create a separate iDEAL file for each domain name you use. Include domain names such as as well as

Method 2:

This method works when a subfolder is created in the ROOT domain name where the new webshop is located!

Prepare the plugin for the webshop of the domain name. Once it is ready, copy the entire ../idealcheckout/ folder to the subfolder of the new webshop.

TIP: When an update of the plugin occurs, always prepare it in the ROOT idealcheckout folder. Once it works, you can again copy the entire ../idealcheckout/ folder to the other webshops.

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